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Monday, May 9, 2011

Walking in Wisdom

I have been dealing with the battle of time. I use to have a set time every morning to spent Loving moments with God, but busyness got in the way the last few months. Today I take back what I let go of because of busyness. God is my peace, my joy, my strength and so much more. I was thinking about how easily we let ourselves get off track, so this morning I went in the living room with my bible and a notebook and asked God to give me the wisdom to overcome this very issue that I am battling time aka busyness. I went over my notebook and there it was the book of Ephesians. I looked over a few scriptures I had wrote down and then there was something I did not understand, so i decided to google it and it led me to Ephesians chapter 5:15-21. I have been studying out of the Amplified and the NKJV. Here is the NKJV
       "See then that you walk circumspectly not as fools, but as wise." Eph 5:15

(What did circumspectly mean? I went to the dictionary and here is the definition: careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences. Synonyms: alert, cautious, chary (Dear, Treasured, Discreetly cautious, hesitant about dangers and risks) , careful, conservative, considerate, gingerly, heedful (attentive), safe, wary (watchfulness).

    " redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Eph 5:16

( What about redeeming? serving to offset or compensate for a defect) So we have to compensate for the time we have, because the days have a defect (evil). Be watchful that we do not let this defect take us away from what Gods good and perfect will for our lives is.

     "Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is." Eph 5:17

( so the will of the Lord is for us to spend our time wisely that includes spending quality time with Him)

    "and do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit." Eph 5:18

(What is dissipation? A wasteful expenditure, intemperate living; especially excessive drinking, an act of self-indulgence) I am not a drinker, but i can see self indulgence in many other things, spending too much time on the computer, or watching tv, shopping, sleeping,and many more. Dissipation is a stealer of time. What are some things that we allow to steal time away from us. I know I have a long list to work on. Ask God to show you areas in your life that are stealing time from you and ask with an expectant and willing heart to accept the things which He shows us and He will show us the ways we can change if we allow Him to work in our lives.

     "Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing, and making melody in your   heart to the Lord." Eph 5:19

( Lets encourage one another to love the Lord our God with everything He has given us a spirit of praise and thanksgiving)

     " giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," Eph 5:20

     " submitting to one another in the fear of God" Eph 5:21

(Submitting: to yield to governance or authority. Surrender) Jesus said that he had to leave so that the comforter would be here with us, living inside of us. Lets surrender to the will of God and the plans He has made for us. Lets encourage one another to live in His will.

     Dear Lord,
We ask you to guide us and show us the changes we need to make to fulfill Your will in our lives. Mold us into what you have called us to be, you are the only one who can remove these imperfections from our lives Lord, we surrender to you. Help us bear good fruit and give us the wisdom to be willing to change and get rid of the non-producing fruits in our lives. Help us be a living testimony for you Lord and we give you all the praise and glory for it In Jesus Name we pray Amen.

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